Hey guys, I wanted to jump in real quick and write a blog post about how I’m using chat GPT-3 to help make my bible lesson plans.

I want to be clear – I’m not using this exclusively 😂 I haven’t turned over all my faith or reasoning to the robots … yet … BUT there are some incredible tools out there, and I bet you’re already thinking of ways to utilize this encyclopedic artificial digital assistant to upgrade your life. Well, why not upgrade the IMPORTANT things in life, and use some cutting edge tech to level up your faith!

I can pretty easily stick to and follow through with a reading plan for myself and my family. I’ve already read the entire new testament aloud to my kids, and more. (well, a few adult themed verses we skipped…) But sometimes it’s just figuring out what plan we’re going to stick to. That can be the hardest sometimes!

SO – do you have a few ideas bouncing around? Or do you need a few ideas to get the blood flowing? Here are a few prompts I’ve used to generate some great reading plans for myself, my family, and even some friends!

a prompt I gave chat gpt-3

So you can see my first attempt wasn’t all that elegant. But I just needed a good starting point, and a way to visualize what I can pull from chat GPT-3. The table format is convenient, and I ended up sticking with that. After this prompt, I asked it,

Rewrite this, but add a column with a short explanation why this old testament verse corresponds to that Hebrew passage. Also instead of days of the week, use dates, starting with February 1st. 

And BOOM I get a convenient head start for my new reading plan for my kids. I’m 90% sure we’re going to study the book of Hebrews together as a family next month, so this helps me pace out the book! And since I know the book of Hebrews is essentially a linchpin connecting the Old and New Testaments, having an old testament verse to relate to, is a great head start.

But maybe you don’t want to study Hebrews – what are some prompt ideas??

Here are a few prompts to get you started! Don’t forget that you can tell GPT-3 to write or rewrite it in table form!

  1. “Create a month-long Bible reading plan that focuses on the theme of forgiveness.”
  2. “Develop a 30-day Bible reading plan that covers the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.”
  3. “Design a comprehensive month-long Bible reading plan that covers the book of Proverbs in depth.”
  4. “Create a 30-day Bible reading plan that explores the concept of faith through key passages in the Old and New Testaments.”
  5. “Develop a month-long Bible reading plan that covers the book of Romans and its impact on Christian theology.”


Chat GPT-3 is NOT 100% dependable. ESPECIALLY for something as important as your Bible reading. So make sure there are they correct number of chapters (lol) and if you’re asking for any commentary, just know that you’re rolling the dice on interpretation!

I’d love to know your thoughts! Are you using chat GPT-3 at all? Have you integrated it into your life or workflows yet? I’d love to know how! Let me know in the comments below, or contact me here!

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